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5P4RK - a sci-fi short

Are you even human if you don’t from time to time get a little vain?


For us, it was 5P4RK (pronounced spark). The adorable robot that Taylor spent most of his time with over the course of 2020 and 2021.​

The idea came to us in 2020 and we knew immediately we had to make it a reality, brilliant timing, right? Through the support of those around us and even people on the internet, we were able to fundraise enough money to be able to produce what ended up being our first short sci-fi film. 


We could only describe it as a baptism of fire as we were thrust into a production, scheduling, and financing role, but it gave us brilliant experience in cast and crew management (and smiling through the tears)!

Creating a project during the height of a pandemic we were bound to run into issues, which we did, time and time again. But it was an incredible experience and one we’d thoroughly love to experience again - the film that is, not the pandemic!. 

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